Some resources for hypnosis
If you would like to read more about hypnosis visit Wikipedia, page about hypnosis. Popular definitions and theories, research, methodologies and effects, focused attention and increased suggestibility, influence on judgment, selfhypnosis and autosuggestion, stage hypnosis, governmental qualification of hypnosis. Some of the most interesting aspects of hypnosis is certainly hypnotherapy and for example using hypnosis to quit smoking and to lose weight.
Visit American Society of Clinical Hypnosis website. ASCH is promoting hypnosis as a valuable clinical tool. Founded by Milton Erickson, it is largest organisation of health care professionals using clinical hypnosis in the US.
Read this article about hypnosis from mayoclinic website. What is hypnosis and what happens when hypnotized, who is hypnosis for and what conditions it can help, types of hypnosis one of them being selfhypnosis, myths about hypnosis and the truth, how to choose a professional and what questions to ask, what are risks of hypnosis. has self-hypnosis articles on weight loss, how to quit smoking, improving self-confidence, CD's and audio tapes to aid you in achieving hypnotic trance. Beside that, there are some excellent articles such as Deep relaxation or Self-Hypnosis Induction for example. It may be possible to lose weight, eat less and exercise more, with hypnosis, but there still must be a will to do so.
Institute for the Study of Healthcare Organizations & Transactions has an interesting article about the basics of hypnosis. It contains answers to frequently asked questions such as What is Hypnosis, Who can be Hypnotized, How is Hypnosis Measured, What Happens During Hypnosis, Can I Hypnotize Myself, History of hypnosis, Health and Hypnosis, Hypnosis and Pain, Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Disorders, Hypnosis and Weight Control, Hypnosis and Smoking.
Also in Australia there is the Australian Society of Hypnosis. is also a great resource for improving your life with hypnosis. There you can find articles and CD's whether you're trying to quit smoking, learn hypnosis, quit drinking or lose weight. Read also Self-hypnosis crash course.