Hypnosis spiral
Well, there's few very good hypnosis spirals to be found on the net.
What can you do with them?
Some people use it to go into deeper hypnotic state.
First they relax say for about 15 minutes then stare at it for about 10 or so.
It is not a magic tool or anything instant but through time and practice it may
help someone achieve trance-like hypnotic state.
Few questions we may need to ask ourselves. It's there because of negative effects
hypnotic spirals and hypnosis may have on some people.
When trance state (hypnosis) is finally achieved can you retain
full control over your actions, thoughts and yourself. Can you always snap out of it?
It is just my opinon that you do retain control and that this is somewhat similar to
a deep sleep although it's different in some ways with some parts of the mind still awaken.
Can hypnosis, or trance state, when achieved and finished with yourself fully awaken, have any negative
consequences later if something is not done right?
It certainly can, just as positive changes can be made so do negative.
I think any eventual damage or eventual positive changes can be created in one session only if
deep trance is achieved, but that's my opinion. Also, it's not allways instantly clear how deep we are.

There is a word of caution, just like say, some video games it may produce some eventual negative
side effects on some people. If you'd like to use it, use at your own risk.
There are few hypnospirals at hypnosisaudio.
121hypnosis has hypnospiral at their site
if you'd like to see it. Since hypnospiral is somewhat associated with selfhypnosis there is a great article about it too.
Stuartashing.com has two excellent hypnospiral exe/zip files.
What can you do with them?
Some people use it to go into deeper hypnotic state.
First they relax say for about 15 minutes then stare at it for about 10 or so.
It is not a magic tool or anything instant but through time and practice it may
help someone achieve trance-like hypnotic state.
Few questions we may need to ask ourselves. It's there because of negative effects
hypnotic spirals and hypnosis may have on some people.
When trance state (hypnosis) is finally achieved can you retain
full control over your actions, thoughts and yourself. Can you always snap out of it?
It is just my opinon that you do retain control and that this is somewhat similar to
a deep sleep although it's different in some ways with some parts of the mind still awaken.
Can hypnosis, or trance state, when achieved and finished with yourself fully awaken, have any negative
consequences later if something is not done right?
It certainly can, just as positive changes can be made so do negative.
I think any eventual damage or eventual positive changes can be created in one session only if
deep trance is achieved, but that's my opinion. Also, it's not allways instantly clear how deep we are.

There is a word of caution, just like say, some video games it may produce some eventual negative
side effects on some people. If you'd like to use it, use at your own risk.
There are few hypnospirals at hypnosisaudio.
121hypnosis has hypnospiral at their site
if you'd like to see it. Since hypnospiral is somewhat associated with selfhypnosis there is a great article about it too.
Stuartashing.com has two excellent hypnospiral exe/zip files.
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